closeup/big image here
Name: Ser (Zee-er)
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday: June 5
Favorite things:

Moths, Dolls, Fae!

About Me

My name is Ser, and I am the curator of this little site. I use they/them pronouns.

I'm your local "blank slate" character apologist. I love playing and designing video games, making zines, and writing/drawing stuff.

Currently studying accounting, but I plan to get into game development as a hobby.

Feel free to look around, or to visit my other socials.

About the Site

This site is part art portfolio, part archive site, and part coding practice. I plan to create pages based on my interests, my art, and my favorite parts of the web.

The layout is still a work in progress, and eventually I plan to replace all the backgrounds, headers, and such with my own art. Expect lots of unfinished coding and broken links for the time being.

All the code is highly experimental, since I don't know what I'm doing.

this will be an icon

Button made with Blinkie Maker blinkiemaker

Current Achievements!

- Graduated valedictorian!

- Became an ordained minister!

- Won an art competition for my favorite game!

To-Do List

> Chatbox

> MP3 Player

> Header

> Finish Footer


> Finish Links

Other Pages

> Custom 404 Page

> Credits Page

> File Storage Page

> Link Directory

> Buttons Page

Quality Of Life Updates

> Add a Searchbar

> Organize Code

> Mobile-Friendly

> Accessibility Friendly

Update Log

This update log is periodically condensed. For a complete list of updates, view my blog here.

JULY 26, 2023

> Condensed update list.

> Fixed issue where header and footer appeared broken at certain resolutions.